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  Artists dedicated to authentic Human Created work.  No generative Artificial Intelligence (AI).

How membership with sai works

The Society for Artistic Integrity is a membership group made up of a global community comprised of artists, writers, performers, musicians, and those related to a variety of creative industries that are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity in the arts.  We believe that by openly declaring the use or non-use of AI in our work, we build trust with our audience, collectors and consumers while creating a space where art and technology can harmoniously coexist.

After watching the Guidelines Video, committing to the Code of Ethics, and completing the membership application, you become a SAI Certified member!  You will have immediate use of your SAI Membership Medallion, your SAI Seals, as well as access to all the member benefits listed on the Join Us page.

As a SAI Certified Member, you will receive a special member number that goes on your SAI Membership Medallion, SAI Certified Seals and is searchable in our Directory.  Your Seals are used to designate which category your work fits in to, and the Membership Medallion is the logo you use to show your membership with SAI. 

SAI Certified Seals

If the logo version of the SAI Certified Seal does not work for a particular medium or text is preferred, the following is an example of how to disclose creative work:

*Human Created, Society for Artistic Integrity, Member# 123456

SAI Membership Medallion

The Society for Artistic Integrity is the first resource to establish a standard for honest creation in a world with AI. Our vision is to bridge communication between the artist and the consumer about the use of AI to ensure authenticity of works created. Please join our growing membership to become SAI Certified!

Content on this website is created by artists and business professionals passionate about doing the right thing when it comes to Artificial Intelligence in the creative arts. We make an effort to stay up-to-date on the creative and tech industries, and provide content for general informational purposes only. Nothing on this website should be considered legal advice, especially since we are not lawyers. Please see your Member Tools or Contact Us with any questions.

Society for Artistic Integrity

San Diego, CA

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Copyright 2024 Society for Artistic Integrity